Meet Our Team…

Royal Greenwich Scouts is supported by a great team of people, they are headed up by the District Lead Volunteer, who is supported by the District Leadership Team.

Below you can view the leadership team, as well as the other teams in the district.

The Trustee Board is a team of volunteers who work together to make sure Scouts is run safely and legally.  Together, Trustees make sure the charity is well managed, risks are assessed and mitigated, buildings and equipment are in good working order, and everyone follows legal requirements and Policy, Organisation and Rules (POR). Their support helps other volunteers run a fantastic programme that gives young people skills for life (and experiences they’ll remember forever).


The trustee board is made up of the following trustees:



District Commissioner -

Chairman – Alf Philpott

Secretary – Samantha Midgeley

Bookkeeper  –  John Sweeney

District Explorer Scout Commissioner – Andrew Barber

District Scout Network Commissioner – Josh Sharrad

District Youth Commissioner – Joseph Shippam


DCs Nominations

Christopher Bishop - Chairman, Premises and Estates Sub-committee

Barry Matthews 

Terry Wiggins


Elected Members

James Vallely

Jenny Grant

Jo Graham

Stephen Ellis

Conway Tearle

The District Volunteering Development Team makes sure all volunteers in their District have a positive and enjoyable volunteering experience. They make it easy for people to join and learn new skills.

The District Support Team provides tools and resources to help Scouts across the District run smoothly.

The team includes:

  • District Scout Shops
  • Members of the now discontinued Scout Active Support Unit
  • Communications
  • District buildings and campsite teams

Led by the District Youth Lead the team is responsible for youth shaped scouting across the District. They work in partnership with the Lead Volunteer for the District and the District Leadership Team to ensure that young people from 4 – 25 years are involved and engaged in the decisions that shape their scouting.


The team is soon going to be recruiting so keep your eyes out.

The District Programme Team helps every section in the District run a safe, enjoyable and high-quality programme. The team is made up of Section Specialists, which assist in running the District Diary as well as Activity specialists which run specific activities in the district.


Section Specialists:

Squirels - Vacent

Beavers - Vacant

Cubs - Graham

Scouts - Steve and James

Explorers - Andy

Network - Josh


Activity Specialists:

Twang, bang and thud (Target Sports and Axe Throwing):

The District 14-24 team keep all volunteers that volunteer with Explorer Scouts or Network Members working well together and feeling motivated across Explorer (including Young Leader) and Network Sections. It makes sure the 14-24 Sections are respected and supported in their local community.

HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

Find out more
King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III