Our Charity

Aims and Objectives

Royal Greenwich District Scout Council is an unincorporated association (Oporating as Royal Greenwich Scouts and with a registered charity name of New Greenwich District Scouts number 1141023.) constituted in accordance with the rules of The Scout Association (registered no.13919). It exists to provide leadership, advice and support for Scout Groups (autonomous charities within the provisions of the same rules), in an area covered by The Royal Borough of Greenwich. And is supported under those rules by the Scout County of Greater London South, (Registered Charity no. 303883), covering the London Boroughs of Wandsworth, Lambeth, Southwark, Lewisham and Royal Greenwich.

The Scout Association (Registered Charity No. 306101) incorporated by Royal Charter to promote the development of young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, social, spiritual and emotional potentials as individuals, as responsible citizens and as members of their local, national and international communities.

The Charter of the Association provides for the making of bye-laws approved by Her Majesty in Council which, in turn, authorise the making of the rules referred to above (known as “Policy, Organisation and Rules”). The District’s Trustees are the District Executive Committee, who cannot act outside the Royal Charter, Bye-Laws and Rules of the Scout Association.

Our Purpose
Scouting exists to actively engage and support young people in their personal development, empowering them to make a positive contribution to society.

Our Values
As Scouts we are guided by these values:

  • Integrity – We act with integrity; we are honest, trustworthy and loyal.
  • Respect  – We have self-respect and respect for others.
  • Care – We support others and take care of the world in which we live.
  • Belief – We explore our faiths, beliefs and attitudes.
  • Co-operation – We make a positive difference; we co-operate with others and make friends.

Our Method
Scouting takes place when young people, in partnership with adults, work together based on the values of Scouting and:

  • enjoy what they are doing and have fun
  • take part in activities indoors and outdoors
  • learn by doing
  • share in spiritual reflection
  • take responsibility and make choices
  • undertake new and challenging activities
  • make and live by their Promise.

Our Vision
We are committed to the Aim and Method of the Scout Movement. Our long term vision is to continue to develop our Scout Groups so they…

  • operate a programme that is relevant enjoyable, attractive and locally achievable,
  • are equally available and accessible to all young people within the 6 to 25 age range in our area
  • are effectively and appropriately supported by adult volunteers,
  • have a positive image and identity,
  • are growing,
  • communicate effectively within Scouting and to the community.

Looking to the future, we can work together as a team, with a common purpose and with a clear direction.  This will need a concerted effort from all our Commissioners, Leaders, Helpers, Administrators, Supporters, Groups, Units and Districts.

If we all play our part in delivering the best results for the future of Scouting in our District we can achieve a Scouts District that:

  • encourages the development of Scouting in our District so that all young people in Greenwich Borough have the opportunity to experience fun, friendship, everyday adventure, challenge and new experiences,
  • supports all our adult volunteers so they feel recognised and valued and take pride in their Scouting,
  • has an active and focused structure that will develop and maintain leader motivation through shared experiences; supported learning; strategic forward planning, clear governance and specific tailored support,
  • provides a high quality, exciting programmes of activity at Group, District and District level delivered by reliable, experienced sectional teams who have abilities and skills appropriate for the role,
  • provides training all adults whether leading, supporting or managing our Scout Groups which is appropriate, effective and innovative,
  • Has a relevant, inspirational and supportive management structure with effective systems for communication.

Our District support structure delivers practical services that are accessible to all whatever their role.  These include:

  • support for the youth programme, including camping and adventurous activities,
  • growth and development of the Movement in our District,
  • coordination of our Scout Groups, Explorer Scout Units and our Local Scout Networks,
  • ensuring that all our adult volunteers are vetted before they are authorised to undertake a role in the Movement,
  • the formal appointment of adults,
  • induction, training, motivation, review and development of adults in the District, including delivery of the Associations adult training programme in partnership with the County Training Team,
  • the implementation of the policies and rules of the Association,
  • relationships with other organisations and bodies,
  • helping young people take part in decision making within our Groups, Districts
  • and the District,
  • support for our Scout Active Support Units,
  • recommendations for decorations and awards,
  • advice on financial and administrative matters, particularly relating to charity trusteeship,
  • provide an effect chain of communication between our Scout Groups, Districts, County, Region and National Headquarters.

Principal Details of the Charity

Registered Office:
Royal Greenwich District Scout Centre, 19 Waverley Crescent, Plumstead, London, SE18 7QT


The following served as Trustees of the Charity during the last year July 2022 – July 2023.                                                       


District Commissioner – John Sweeney
Chairman – Alf Philpott
Secretary – Samantha Midgeley
Treasurer – Vacant
District Youth Commissioner – Joseph Shippam
District Explorer Scout Commissioner – Andrew Barber
District Scout Network Commissioner – Josh Sharrad


Barry Matthews
Matthew Butterfield
Lorraine Durrant,
Chris Bishop
Mohammad Dabiri


Jo Graham
James Vallely
Stephen Ellis
Conway Tearle
Jenny Grant


Principal Bankers
LloydsTSB Bank Plc, Blackheath Village Branch

Custodian Trustee
The land and buildings vested in the District are held on its behalf by the Scout Association Trust Corporation Limited.

The District has three sub-committees:

  • Premises
  • Finance
  • District Appointments Advisory Committee
Dwayne Fields proudly holds the title of the UK's 11th Chief Scout

An explorer, adventurer and TV presenter, Dwayne's been seen in BAFTA nominated Channel 5 series Race to the Pole, on BBC Springwatch, Countryfile, National Geographic and Disney+.

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