Every night of the week more than 50,000 young people attend scout meetings across the UK. Scouting is one of the great ‘brands’ of our age – familiar and trusted in households everywhere.
This is an incredible achievement for an organisation run by volunteers in their spare time.
Scouting has been able to adapt and change throughout its history so that it retains a relevance to the needs and aspirations of young people. It does this without losing sight of its core values, enshrined in the Scout law and Scout promise. Scouting’s appeal also has a very real resonance with more than 100,000 adults who actively support scouting across the country.
By choosing Scouting, you will make a real difference to the lives of young people and make a huge impact in your community. You have the opportunity to try new things, develop your talents, and continue to explore your values and beliefs.
Scouting offers a high quality balanced programme of opportunities for young people and award winning training to our adult volunteers.
There’s lots of reasons why its great to volunteer with Scouting, here’s just a few of them..
A flexible way to volunteer…
All our volunteering opportunities are based on a flexible volunteering model, meaning that if you are unable to make the meeting its fine, we don’t expect everyone to be available every week. Scouting is still scouting, whether you’re involved once a week, once or twice a month, every six weeks or even once a year; and whether you are in the thick of activities with a group of young people or working behind the scenes in a management, trustee or support role.
…Career prospects
Volunteering gives you the opportunity to test out potential career choices, helping you to find a job you enjoy. And the experiences you gain are invaluable when applying for jobs, proving both your interest in a particular career path and your success at it.
…Developing new skills
Volunteering improve your employability by developing your skills. By volunteering, you can learn how to communicate better with people and work as part of a team to achieve your goal. These are all things that help to make your CV look more interesting when applying for jobs By volunteering, you can also show employers that you have an interest in improving both your community and yourself beyond academic study. Employers are increasingly seeking ‘well-rounded’ individuals, i.e. people who can show more than just academic achievement. Volunteering helps you to develop skills and attributes you do not necessarily use in a classroom. These include planning, leadership, motivation and self-management.
…Give something back
Many people recognise that there are a wide range of community organisations helping young people, and indeed many people have benefited from their work. They understand that young people get a lot out of the activities provided by volunteers, and want to give something back to their community in the same way.
…Making friends
Volunteering is a great way to meet people with similar interests and to simply have fun. Working with young people involves a variety of activities, and can be a chance for a volunteer to rediscover adventure for themselves, whilst making new friends and having fun.
…Building self confidence
Many volunteers encounter a variety of new challenges when they begin giving time in their communities. Sharing new experiences with new people, they can learn new skills that can give them confidence to face challenges in other areas of their lives.… It’s a good thing volunteering gives you the chance to help other people to achieve their goals and succeed in what they want to do. Helping others in this way can lead to greater self-esteem and encourage you to face and overcome new and bigger challenges